The 50th Anniversary Elvehjem Neighborhood Documentary movie premiered September 29, 2018 during the 50th Anniversary Celebration at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. The movie was produced by Marilee Cronin, with special thanks extended to Jim and Michelle Stellner.

It’s been almost three years since we began our project to create a video capturing the first 50 years of the Elvehjem Neighborhood Association! We have so many people to thank for their help with this project, so we’d like to take this opportunity to thank the people who gave their time and welcomed us into their homes to share their stories with us!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to the following people for sharing your stories during the Elvehjem Neighborhood Documentary Movie:

Fred and Barb Arnold, Kelli Betsinger, Louise Billings, Denise DeMarb, Zelda and Marv Droster, Pat Gallagher, Bethsaida Martinez, Betsaida Cervantes, Andrea Juarez, Adolia Contreras, Celso Contreras, Zabdiel Martinez, David Martinez, Hilario Valerio, Zeke Marker, Larry and Bunnie Carlstrom, Nan and Bob Brien, Jeff Ekola, Dennis Spoerl, Dr. Paul Wertsch, Dr. David Barry, Dr. Calvin Bruce, Alice Soule, Michael Digman, Tiffany Roltgen, Justin Martin, Jamie Meise, Syliva Green, Gert Hall, Bob and Betty Hoffman, Sheree and Dan Kehoe, John Kollath, Karl Kletzien, Jody McIntyre, Michael Meissen, Jessica and Dan Murphy and Family, Elizabeth and Michael Neuman, James Stellner, Carl and Janet Storch, Ken Williams, Paula Pope, Jenna Shinstine, and Juline Kleinheinz

Also, we hold in special memory neighbors Fred Arnold and Bunnie and Larry Carlstrom.